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Writer's pictureACC Marsden Park

Secondary School Update - 14 June 2024

Updated: Jun 14


I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to the many parents and carers who generously gave up their time to attend the Stage 6 Parent/Teacher Interviews on Tuesday evening this week. It was an invaluable opportunity for Stage 6 teachers to provide feedback and encouragement to students and their parents. The connections forged between staff, parents and students during this event contribute greatly to the strength of our College community. To those who were unable to attend, I trust you have been able to arrange a convenient time to connect with your child’s teachers. We look forward to meeting with you at the next parent evening for Secondary School. 

On Thursday 6 June, we had the privilege of taking 60 Secondary students from Years 9-11 to attend Stand Tall at the International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Darling Harbour, Sydney. Stand Tall is an inspirational TEDx style conference. Students had the opportunity to hear from keynote speakers including Michael Crossland, Nedd Brockmann, Derek Rabelo, Stephanie Rice and Grace Rowe. Each of the speakers shared various experiences in life, to arm students with the skills of resilience, the power of perspective and the benefits of making good and wise decisions.

As we continue to progress through Terms 2 and 3, we remind parents and carers that students are required to wear the College’s winter uniform. Students are expected to wear the College blazer upon arriving on campus, at least until the beginning of Period 1, and again when leaving the campus at the end of Period 4. If students do not have the appropriate uniform for the day, a note should be provided to their homeroom teacher with an explanation from a parent or guardian. If a student is not wearing the correct uniform for an excursion, they will not be able to attend. If you have any questions about uniform, please go to our Community Portal and refer to the ‘Uniform’ section for more information, including our College Uniform Guide. 

I would like to thank parents and carers for supporting us as we seek to work in partnership in helping each child grow and develop. 

YEAR 11, 2025 SUBJECT SELECTION EVENING - WED 3 JULY Our Year 11, 2025 Subject Selection Evening will take place on Wednesday 3 July, from 6.30pm on campus. All current Year 10 students and their parents and carers are invited to attend - please make this event a priority, as important information about the HSC, subject selection and post-school options will be presented. CLICK HERE TO BOOK tickets (for students and parents). 


Years 10-12 had the wonderful opportunity to attend the 2024 Careers Expo at Randwick Racecourse. Students enjoyed browsing stalls, talking to University and TAFE representatives, asking questions regarding course options and gaining a greater perspective on life after Year 12. 

Year 10 students found the day particularly helpful, given that they will be selecting their Stage 6 subjects in the coming months. The wide range of tertiary education stalls, and others such as the Air Force, allowed Year 10 students to consider the many career opportunities which may lie ahead of them. Year 11 students gained a greater understanding of how their current studies will assist them in their tertiary studies or in their chosen field. Many students felt encouraged at the extensive TAFE and University course options that are offered throughout Sydney and across NSW, even within one field of study. Year 12 students felt that the day was affirming, and spent their time talking with representatives from the University, or TAFE they will likely choose to enrol in. 


One of our ACC Year 7 students, Lavinia, was selected to play for the Under 14 Girls Southern Districts Rugby Union squad. Lavinia spent the June long weekend competing in the 2024 NSW Junior Rugby Union State Championships in Dubbo. 

Lavinia showcased all the physical characteristics and skills of being a second row/lock and flanker, who has super speed, strength and endurance. After playing six rounds of rugby union on Saturday and Sunday, Southern Districts were one of the elite teams who made it to the Grand Final and took 2nd place in the Sydney Cup.

It didn’t stop there! Lavinia and her team played three more rounds on Monday in the City vs Country State Championships, where the best of the best City and Country teams battled it out for the Cup, Plate, Bowl, and Shield trophies. By only one try difference, Southern Districts placed 3rd in the NSW Cup. What an incredible achievement to be ranked 3rd in the entire State - well done Lavinia!


Our Secondary Athletics Carnival was held earlier this week, on 12 June at Blacktown International Sports Park. 

On Campus and Distance Education students came together to take part in a range of track and field events, determined to achieve their best and win points for their House. While the sun shone over the arena, the grandstand was a sea of red, yellow, green and blue as the Brumbies, Lions, Rams and Eagles competitors met to face off in their athletic pursuits. 

Participation was high, with spectacular House spirit shown from all, making for an enjoyable and friendly competitive environment.  The winning House will be announced at an upcoming school assembly, so please keep an eye out for that very exciting news. 

Congratulations to the following incredibly fast students who broke school records in track events: Adrian G, Alysha C,  Jonathan M. R, Maxx P, Micah K and Naomi M.

A big thank you to all the participants,  student leaders, House patrons, PDHPE department and all staff who assisted in the preparation, organisation and running of this Carnival. Your massive efforts are greatly appreciated and helped in making the event enjoyable and successful. 


Year 12 Ancient History students engaged in a numismatic workshop where they had the opportunity to handle and clean genuine Roman coins. They each had a coin and a toothbrush that they used to brush and scrub some of the dirt away. They had a great time trying out different cleaning techniques and discovering the images and faces on their coin. Students mostly found coins from the later Empire, with one depicting the bust of Constantine I on the obverse! Students used Roman coin databases to investigate and research which emperors were depicted on their coins, any symbolic images that appeared on the reverse side, and to try their hand at translating the abbreviated inscription on the coins. The workshop allowed them to see how coinage or numismatic evidence might be used to discover more about an individual or time period, particularly looking at how that individual might have been portrayed or viewed.


Throughout Term 2, Year 11 students have been working in the Lumination Lab, exploring Virtual Reality technology as an art-making practice. Using VR headsets, they are creating expansive works without the limitations of physical space to engage the audience through augmented reality at MAD Night in Term 3. 

To enhance their understanding of the audience experience, students visited the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) to analyse exhibitions and apply these insights to their own work for the development of the exhibition. 

Students explored the Nicholas Mangan Exhibition. During the visit, students engaged with intricate themes and connected with broader societal issues. They experienced Mangan’s art as audience members, analysing how his works tell stories and captivate viewers. This experience provided valuable insights for their upcoming exhibition at MAD Night in Term 3, helping them consider how to engage their audience effectively.

At MAD Night (Tuesday 6 August), you will have the opportunity to experience their innovative artwork firsthand. By scanning a QR code with your phone, you will be able to view their creations as if they were right in front of you. You might need to look up or bend down to fully appreciate the intricate details. We are thrilled about these new opportunities for our students to create groundbreaking artwork and for you to engage with art in innovative ways.


During this term we were excited to host speakers from the organisation Your Choicez. The seminars  seek to provide every young person with the opportunity to consider their choices around relationships, dating, sexting, pornography and sex. Through education and conversation in these seminars, they hope young people will have the ability to make fantastic choices as they engage in the digital space and in building their personal relationships.

Year 9 - ‘Connections that Count’ Earlier this term, Year 9 students attended the Your Choicez seminar ‘Connections that Count’. Students learned that we are relational beings, created in the image of God for relationship with Him and each other. Students thought through the qualities of good friends and good friendships, and reflected on the story of Cedric Dubler, who in the Tokyo Olympics assisted Ash Maloney to win a Bronze medal by sacrificing his own position and points. 

Students considered their personal use of technology, particularly the amount of time spent on devices, even into the small hours of the morning! Students were encouraged to think of strategies to control technology, rather than it controlling them. Most students saw the wisdom in having their devices charged and kept outside their bedroom in the evenings.

Finally, students thought about their exposure through various media, to pornography and sexting, and the very real danger that this poses to young minds. The focus was especially on aiming to build empathy amongst students towards others, rather than treating others as objects for our pleasure and fun.

The students came away from the sessions with some plans to put in place with their personal use of their devices and with a greater awareness of what is involved in creating good quality relationships.

Year 10 - ‘Responsible Relationships’ Last week, Year 10 students participated in a series of seminars around the theme of respectful relationships. Students first considered the qualities of people they admire and reflected on themselves. For the boys, this also involved a deep discussion on healthy masculinity and their own friendships.

The second session concentrated on the impacts of pornography on beliefs, behaviours and relationships. This involved deconstructing some of the false ideas of relationships and sex. A deeper understanding of consent was discussed and what this means in relation to the recent legal changes regarding sexual assault. This included learning what constitutes sexual harassment and non-consensual sexual activity.

Students made the most of the opportunity to listen to the speakers and reflect on their own situations. They asked some very direct questions and were eager to hear well considered responses.

We hope parents of our Year 9 and 10 students heard some of what students learned at these sessions, and that these important discussions were continued at home.

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