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Primary School Update - 31 May 2024

Writer's picture: ACC Marsden ParkACC Marsden Park

Updated: May 31, 2024


Melanie Woods

Primary Encounter Worship Afternoon

Our Primary Encounter Worship Afternoon began with a big afternoon tea together and the excitement was tangible and evident as the kids burst into worship songs and dance, dance, dance!

Throughout the year, Primary Encounter Events are scheduled for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. These events are for those students who would like to spend time worshipping and praising the God of the Bible through singing. This week, students sang and sang, heard a short talk from the Bible and had the opportunity to respond to Jesus in prayer. 

Private Music Lessons During School Time

One of the extra-curricular activities that we provide for all our K-12 students is the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. There is so much value in learning a musical instrument. Some of the positives are learning a new skill, enjoying a new craft and the added bonus of being disciplined to practice, which produces great fruit.

Studies in neuroscience show that music can enhance brain function in children. Musical activities, such as playing an instrument, stimulate the brain, and this brain workout leads to improved brain structure with the formation of new neural connections.

Music is so good for our students and we would encourage you to look at the link below (which can be found on the Community Portal). There are many different instruments to learn and lessons are completed on campus during school hours. Please have a look and send an enquiry!

'I See You Star' Morning Tea

Every Face has a Place at ACC and we continue to embed into the lives of all our students that we know them, that we see them. We want the students to know that we see their kindness, we see them being respectful, we see when they are learners, we see when they make Christ-like decisions and when they make wise and safe choices. To celebrate their hard work and efforts, students are invited to attend an 'I See You Star’ Morning Tea each week, which is hosted by Mr Parsonage, the Stage Coordinators and Mrs Woods. This is a time to spend quality time with them, thank and congratulate them for their good work.

Below are the students who have been given an ‘I See You Star' award and attended the Morning Tea in Week 4 and Week 5 (Term 2):

Samuel W, Amelia C, Keisha E, Amelie D, Alyssa H, Emily C, Ronan G, Nathaniel I, Kenan B, Theodore D, Christian G, Dimairaa K, Aadvik P, Asher G, Nicholas McA, Hrishika P, Joshua F, Gideon.G.C, Kalelle D, Mason S, Lizette A, Isabel D, Emilie T, Harry T, Maddison B, Jacob B, Shivaay R, Amelie D, Adelaide B, Arlo D, Madison A, Taylor C, Om P, Sasha S, Aurélia S, Raina D, David S, Taiana P, Jacob L, Samisoni B, Hunter S, Avika C, Isabella C, Viransh S, Advik G, Prakul B, Brayden S, Amelia F, Nishaan S, Jackson W, James N, Logan S, Keira G, Reva A, Sarah O, Andrew R, Nivaan G, Aveer S, Zeke R, Israel M.

Primary Athletics Carnival - SAVE THE DATE!

Our Primary Athletics Carnival will be held Thursday 13 June (Week 7), at Blacktown International Sports Centre. More details to follow soon.


Grace Chan

1G have been working really hard this term and I’m so proud of how eager they are to learn. We have discovered so many new things about ourselves and how we are created in God’s image - we are unique and completely loved by Him! We can’t wait to show you what we have achieved so far:

  • Mathematics - We had lots of fun investigating the length of our hand in our Maths lessons using Unifix cubes. What was the most interesting thing we discovered? God made all of us to be different, including the size and shape of our hands! We had some wonderful class discussions about the length of our hands, ranging from 5, 6, 7 and even 8 cubes long. Maybe one day their hand will be almost as big as Mrs Chan’s … which is almost 10 cubes long! We even used our detective eyes to look for classroom objects that are 10 cubes long and documented our findings on our mini whiteboards. 

  • History and Health - What we love most about our History and Health lessons is the opportunity to share about our family origins, traditions and favourite foods. We also enjoyed showing the class our baby photos and how we have grown and changed overtime. It is so encouraging to hear how much our class loved learning about each other and celebrating milestones together. 

  • Art - Every Tuesday afternoon, our class looks forward to showcasing their creative talent during Art lessons! This term we have been learning about 'textures' and how we can use our five senses to describe different materials. We have created some beautiful Autumn tree artworks using scrunched up coloured tissue paper and also made textured names using soft feathers, coloured sticks, foil and sparkly string. We hope you enjoy our beautiful artworks - what a creative bunch we are in 1G!

  • Bible Studies - In class we have been learning about God’s promises to Abraham which is found in the book of Genesis. Last week we were so amazed that God gave Abraham and Sarah a son even though they were very old. We also found out the meaning behind the name Isaac, which means 'he laughs' because that was how Abraham and Sarah reacted when they found out they were going to have a child! My prayer is that our 1G students may grow to love and trust in a faithful God who continues to provide and sustain us each day. What a privilege it is to spend each day reading from God’s Word and diving deep into understanding how God’s promises are ultimately fulfilled in Christ Jesus.


Deborah Kwok

KK has been studying the text ‘Potato People’ by Pamela Allen in English. In response to the story, we had the opportunity to create our very own potato people artworks. The children greatly enjoyed using the out-of-the-ordinary medium of potatoes along with a variety of other mixed materials. Before beginning our artworks, we had a discussion about the attributes we would be employing for the task:

  • Creativity - to imagine and design a unique potato person

  • Resilience - to apply effort and not give up if the design didn’t go as planned

In the end, we were thrilled with our products and were able to celebrate our wonderful attitudes, as well as our ingenuity and skill during the creative process. 


Amy Gruszka

Our Kinders in KG have been eagerly preparing for the upcoming Athletics Carnival, learning many new skills along the way. They have been working on fundamental skills, such as body control and movement, and learning to be aware of, and considerate towards, others during play.

Through fun activities - like the egg and spoon race, javelin (using foam rockets), hurdles, discus, and shot put - they are developing problem-solving skills, learning to share equipment and spaces, and building strength and endurance. We encourage our young athletes to always support each other and give their best effort.

We are all excited to see their hard work pay off at the carnival!

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