Melanie Woods
Kinder Enrolments for 2025
Our 2025 Kinder Enrolments are nearly closing. If you are an existing family and have not yet completed an enrolment form, please email enrolmentocmp@acc.edu.au and get in contact with our Enrolments Team. We begin Kinder orientations in Term 3 and 4, where our 2025 Kinder students come and enjoy several mornings of what ‘big school’ feels like.
Social Media
We love hosting events at ACC, like Assemblies, Chapels, Carnivals and many other Musical or Family Showcases. In order to protect our children and families we do ask that there is no posting of ACC students or staff on any form of social media. Please also make sure that there are no photos placed on Whats App Parent Groups, as this too is another social media platform. We love sharing stories and events and we want to continue to keep our children safe. Thank you very much for your continued support in this ever-evolving and ever-changing space.
Bill Rogers Visit to ACC
In 2022, our whole ACC School engaged in professional development from Dr Bill Rogers. Dr Rogers, a committed Christian, taught for many years before becoming an education consultant and author; he lectures widely on behaviour management, discipline, effective teaching, stress management and teacher welfare across the UK and Europe, Australia and New Zealand. We had the privilege of Dr Rogers returning for most of last week to work with our staff and students. Back in 2022, we as a whole school implemented much of what he taught us, as it aligns with our classroom culture and culture expectations. There is always so much to learn and it was, and is, good to keep our staff and students seeking how to be and do better in all areas of behaviour and nurturing.
Primary Encounter Worship Afternoon
Our next Primary Encounter is on Wednesday 29 May. Please save this date in the calendar as all our staff and students will gather for an afternoon of worship.
Mother’s Day in Primary
The ladies in our world that nurture, teach and train us are a Godsend who ACC will always place value on this. Our K-6 students put time aside in their learning day to think and talk about the role of women in our lives that take care of us, teach us about life and train us in how to be like Jesus. This is a lifelong journey and we could all testify to different women who have made a positive impact and difference in our journey. The students also worked on a Mother’s Day card that was made with love and thought. We do hope that you had a lovely time with friends and family and treasured the tokens our students provided for you.
What a delight to see our students be brave and perform to an audience of peers and adults! We were serenaded by the glockenspiels, sweet voices with great gusto and enthusiasm. The students’ ability to remember rhythm with claves and shakers, and also show their skills at singing solfege - a system that gives a unique syllable to each note of the music scale - was admirable. The movie Sound of Music - and specifically the song, Do-re-mi - has made this skill famous.
We want to thank our Music/CAPA Teaching Staff, Mrs Thomson, Mrs Northwood, Mrs Vincent and Mrs Thompson for working hard with the students to provide them with rich and sound learning experiences in the creative arts field. Performance is a major part of the process, where the students get to express and showcase their talents and what they have learnt. Please enjoy the photos of our event!
Shawn Parsonage
‘Every Face has a Place’ at ACC and we continue to embed into the lives of all our students that we know them, that we see them. We want students to know that we see their kindness, we see them being respectful, we see when they are learners, we see when they make Christ-like decisions and when they make wise and safe choices. To celebrate their hard work and efforts, students are invited to attend an ‘I See You Star’ Morning Tea each week which is hosted by Mr Parsonage, Mrs Woods and the Stage Coordinators. This is an opportunity to spend quality time with them, thank them, and congratulate them for their good work.
Below are the most recent students who have been given an ‘I See You Star Award’ and attended the Morning Tea:
Week 1 and Week 2, Term 2 - ‘I See You Star Awardees’
Luca G, Ayaan S, Shay S, Aria O, Willow N, Samantha A, Nora J, Luke C, Miles P, Madison W, Elijah, Samuel S, Eden Z, Jagath T, Levi T, Dimairaa K, Lonzo G, Kalki S, Evelyn L, Isaiah B, Zivan S, Alanda S, Abigail O, Vaishnavi R, Katherine T, Casandra T, Riyansh P, Jacob L, Mia T, Tanisha S, Taiana P, Dhyanna S, Elias S, Alison VN, David S, Vihan P, Nadar V, Levina T, Alexandria O, Mantra P, Isabella S, Zoey W, Adwita M, Sione P, Luv S, Hari V, Shlok P, Ben P, Ajay S, Zephyrine T, King Praise N, Kyra L, Akshara S, Sonny R, Elia S, Joseph V.
Melanie Woods
Can you remember what Year 12 was like? I remember it being filled with hope and aspirations, with a feeling that the world was mine for the taking; yet there were also nerves and reservations. Our Year 12 students have a big year ahead of them and we want to support them as best we can. One initiative is for our Primary students to be involved in their world and lives. Our Primary classes have all been assigned a Year 12 and will pray, support and encourage their buddies through the Year 12 process. Today was the first of many such events. The Primary classes were treated with meeting their buddy for the first time and learning more about their likes and dislikes and who they are. We believe this friendship and support will have a powerful impact on our Year 12’s lives, as they know they have another ACC family and community to cheer them on and pray for them. What a privilege it is to walk this journey with them. Please enjoy some of the photos as they all met each other for the first time - it is precious!
The Tech Centre continues to bless us as we now begin our Library time. All K-6 classes have been rotating through the Library with their peers and teacher, and with Miss Reichardt and Mrs Jones who are our Library Staff. The students have all received an ACC Library Bag with their name on it so they can borrow books in the near future. There will be many memories made, as our students continue to grow their love of knowledge, reading and learning.
Daniel Gough
Throughout Term 1, students in 6G showed significant growth as leaders within our school community. They eagerly embraced responsibilities and emerged as positive role models for our younger students. And we have been enthusiastically diving into all sorts of learning adventures.
In writing, our class has been checking out the ‘7 Steps to Success’, which has sparked their creativity and storytelling skills. Each step, from brainstorming ideas to polishing up characters and plots, has made them even better storytellers.
6G has also been exploring the amazing cultures of Asia, which has opened their eyes to how diverse our world is.
We can't overlook their gymnastics adventures at the Sydney Gymnastic and Aquatic Centre - they balanced and leapt like champions!
Additionally, the weekly Science and Music sessions ignited their enthusiasm and passion for learning, infusing each lesson with vibrancy and excitement.
During our devotional readings, 6G has been digging into the stories of the Old Testament. They've been soaking up valuable lessons about trusting in God's plan, drawing inspiration from Abraham and Daniel who showed incredible faith and resilience.
It's been amazing watching them grow and learn together so far this year!